
Circa chiara

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Finora chiara ha creato 97 post nel blog.

Referral to cardiac rehabilitation of patients with left ventricular assist devices in Italy


Referral to cardiac rehabilitation of patients with left ventricular assist devices in ItalyAbstract In recent years, the lack of heart donors caused an increase in the proportion of patients undergoing left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation. The clinical complexity of these devices requires a multidisciplinary approach to be extended after hospital discharge. The lack of shared care pathways for these patients may result in an impairment of both of short- and long-term results. Available

Referral to cardiac rehabilitation of patients with left ventricular assist devices in Italy2017-06-01T09:13:51+02:00

Manual evaluation of the diaphragm muscle


Manual evaluation of the diaphragm muscle Abstract The respiratory diaphragm is the most important muscle for breathing. It contributes to various processes such as expectoration, vomiting, swallowing, urination, and defecation. It facilitates the venous and lymphatic return and helps viscera located above and below the diaphragm to work properly. Its activity is fundamental in the maintenance of posture and body position changes. It can affect the pain perception and emotional state. Many authors

Manual evaluation of the diaphragm muscle2017-06-01T09:13:29+02:00

A review of analgesic and emotive breathing: a multidisciplinary approach


A review of analgesic and emotive breathing: a multidisciplinary approachAbstract The diaphragm is the primary muscle involved in breathing and other non-primarily respiratory functions such as the maintenance of correct posture and lumbar and sacroiliac movement. It intervenes to facilitate cleaning of the upper airways through coughing, facilitates the evacuation of the intestines, and promotes the redistribution of the body's blood. The diaphragm also has the ability to affect the perception of pain and

A review of analgesic and emotive breathing: a multidisciplinary approach2017-06-01T09:19:10+02:00

Failed back surgery syndrome: review and new hypotheses


Failed back surgery syndrome: review and new hypotheses Abstract Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a term used to define an unsatisfactory outcome of a patient who underwent spinal surgery, irrespective of type or intervention area, with persistent pain in the lumbosacral region with or without it radiating to the leg. The possible reasons and risk factors that would lead to FBSS can be found in distinct phases: in problems already present in the

Failed back surgery syndrome: review and new hypotheses2017-06-05T14:17:14+02:00

The fascial system and exercise intolerance in patients with chronic heart failure: hypothesis of osteopathic treatment


The fascial system and exercise intolerance in patients with chronic heart failure: hypothesis of osteopathic treatment Abstract Chronic heart failure is a progressive, debilitating disease, resulting in a decline in the quality of life of the patient and incurring very high social economic costs. Chronic heart failure is defined as the inability of the heart to meet the demands of oxygen from the peripheral area. It is a multi-aspect complex disease which impacts negatively

The fascial system and exercise intolerance in patients with chronic heart failure: hypothesis of osteopathic treatment2017-06-05T14:19:30+02:00

Reflections on osteopathic fascia treatment in the peripheral nervous system


Reflections on osteopathic fascia treatment in the peripheral nervous system Abstract The peripheral nerve is composed of several layers of fascia tissue, which can become a source of pain if the way they slide is impeded. It is only recently that fascial osteopathy research has been aimed at understanding what happens to the fascia following treatment, and as a result of previous studies, we are able to highlight some of the benefits, including a

Reflections on osteopathic fascia treatment in the peripheral nervous system2017-06-05T14:11:06+02:00

Understanding Fibroblasts in Order to Comprehend the Osteopathic Treatment of the Fascia


Understanding Fibroblasts in Order to Comprehend the Osteopathic Treatment of the Fascia Abstract The osteopathic treatment of the fascia involves several techniques, each aimed at allowing the various layers of the connective system to slide over each other, improving the responses of the afferents in case of dysfunction. However, before becoming acquainted with a method, one must be aware of the structure and function of the tissue that needs treating, in order to

Understanding Fibroblasts in Order to Comprehend the Osteopathic Treatment of the Fascia2017-06-01T10:02:59+02:00

A multidisciplinary approach to scars: a narrative review


A multidisciplinary approach to scars: a narrative review Abstract The purpose of this article is to carry out a narrative review regarding the approach to scars through complementary and alternative medicine focusing on osteopathy, naturopathy, and other minor methods and traditional rehabilitative medicines, such as physiotherapy and manual therapies. We analyzed the existing literature regarding the possible influences of techniques relaxing the diaphragm - both manual and psychophysical relaxing techniques - and the

A multidisciplinary approach to scars: a narrative review2017-06-01T09:41:51+02:00

Il ritmo delle forze vitali nel cranio in osteopatia


Il ritmo delle forze vitali nel cranio in osteopatia In genere, quando una persona arriva nel nostro studio è perchè ha una disfunzione che non gli consente una buona qualità di vita. A parte il dolore, come meccanismo di difesa, mostrerà stati emotivi differenti che saranno in relazione alle forze vitali di una o piu' sfere dell' Essere che sono coinvolte nella dis-funzione (corpo fisico, eterico, astrale, etc). Giunge da noi perchè è sempre

Il ritmo delle forze vitali nel cranio in osteopatia2017-05-22T12:09:59+02:00

Sutherland’s legacy in the new millennium: the osteopathic cranial model and modern osteopathy


Sutherland's legacy in the new millennium: the osteopathic cranial model and modern osteopathy Abstract The concept of cranial osteopathy was introduced by W. G. Sutherland, DO, and became the foundation for setting the rules for use of skull palpation and many other techniques in the many types of dysfunctional patterns that craniosacral therapy treats. Sutherland's theories enabled modern osteopathy to develop and improve. The mechanism of primary respiration as well as the motion of

Sutherland’s legacy in the new millennium: the osteopathic cranial model and modern osteopathy2017-06-05T14:18:27+02:00
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